Minutes of the October 9, 2017 Meeting


OCTOBER 9, 2017



5:30 P.M.  The Finance Committee met to go over the bills.

CALL TO ORDER:  Mayor Hollis called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

PRESENT:  Mayor Larry Hollis, Barbara Cantwell, Bruce Fehrenbacher (attorney), Art Nutzhorn, Donna Lefler (1st Ward), Connie Jacobson (2nd Ward), Rob Finney, Ryan Kelly (3rd Ward), Gene Gibler (2nd ward) absent.

CORRECTION OF MINUTES:  Page 1 under correction of minutes 6th line change to read 3rd paragraph.  Page 4 after the 6th paragraph add Donna Lefler made a motion to leave Executive Session. Gene Gibler 2nd motion passed.                 Donna Lefler made a motion to except the amended minutes.  Connie Jacobson 2nd motion passed.

CITY CLERKS CASH RECEIPT REPORT:  Total Cash Receipts for September $74,924.31.  Ryan asked about the restitution payments from C. Slightom.  Why there wasn’t a payment this month?  Bruce Fehrenbacher said he would check into why the payments are so irregular and report back to us.  Rob Finney made a motion to accept Cash Receipt Report.  Art Nutzhorn 2nd motion passed.

TREASURERS REPORT:  Ending Cash Balance for the month of September was $726,074.51.  Connie Jacobson made the motion to except the Treasurers Report. Ryan Kelly 2nd motion passed.



REPORTS FROM CITY EMPLOYEES & COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN:  Larry has a report from Chief Bent.  The Toulon Auxiliary has received a promise of $5,000.00 for equipment and training from the Lions Club.  Rob Kamerer has been busy covering the entire basis.  Ryan asked about the cameras for down at the sewer plant.  Larry said there isn’t enough money for High Definition.  Will have to get some quotes and put on the Agenda for next month.

APPROVAL OF SUBMITTED CLAIMS: Rob would like to add 2 bills, Britton Electronics for $6,718.70 to be paid out of 51-00-528.  Have already received a check from Insurance for 4,218.70 we owe $2,500 which is the deductible.  A check for the full amount will be paid.  The 2nd invoice is Quality Spot Repair for the amount of $21,206.95 which will be paid by MFT under 15-00-921.  The bill is $781.95 over the bid but they are under the 10% that is allowed to go over according to the engineers.  Rob Finney made the motion to except the amended board listing for the Submitted Claims for this month.  Ryan Kelly 2nd motion passed with Donna Lefler voted no on claims.

ATTORNEYS REPORT:  Suit has been filed on the 2 Howell properties.  Danny Wagher has been contacted by the Howells to take the houses down.  They have 30 days to respond.

SOLICITING:  Bruce passed out a model solicitor’s ordinance to look at which is quite extensive. A procedure needs to be developed.  

BALL DIAMOND SWAP:    Bruce has no information as of yet will have to have some time to do.

PUBLIC CONCERNS:  Larry asked everyone to have the Wyant family in their prayers since Jon Wyant has passed.  Barb was asked to order flowers for the funeral.  The Fire Dept. is not putting up the Christmas wreaths this year.  They are in really bad shape.  They are about $500.00 each.  20 wreaths would run around $10,000.




Larry is going to see if the TIF can pay for the Christmas decorations.  Donna added she really likes the community website for Toulon.  Larry did hire Josh Colgan for the job opening for the City.  He will be starting later this month.

STARK COUNTY JFL:  Last year the city gave $500.00.  Connie Jacobson made a motion to give the SC JFL $500.00.  Rob Finney 2nd motion passed.

WATER METERS:  There are 6 in a box and costs $1,500.00 a box.  The city currently has 2 on hand.  Donna made a motion to buy 6 water meters from Fergusons for $1,570.73.  Art Nutzhorn 2nd motion passed.

Halloween Hours:  Larry set the hours 5 to 7 on Halloween night, Tuesday the 31st.

There is no TIF business.

Larry wants to go into executive session but there will be no action taken.

At 7:00p.m. Donna Lefler made a motion to go into Executive Session pursuant to Section 2(c) of the Open Meetings Act to consider issues of employment and/or performance of employees.  Rob Finney 2nd motion passed.

7:17 Donna Lefler made a motion to leave Executive Session. Ryan Kelly 2nd

Motion passed

7:18 Art Nutzhorn made a motion to resume regular session. Rob Finney 2nd motion passed.

Larry said there was no statement at this time to be made.

Rob Finney made a motion to adjourn at 7:19 Connie Jacobson 2nd motion passed.



