Minutes of the December 9, 2019 Meeting



DECEMBER 9, 2019


FINANCE COMMITTEE:  Met in the water dept. bldg. on 12/9/19 at 1:30 p.m.

PRESENT:  Mayor was late, Art Nutzhorn, Donna Lefler (1st Ward), Connie Jacobson, Jason Musselman (2nd Ward), Rob Finney, Ryan Kelly (3rd Ward), Barbara J Cantwell, Michael Evans, city attorney

CALL TO ORDER:  City Clerk Barbara J Cantwell called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Jason Musselman made a motion to appoint Donna Lefler as a temporary mayor.  Ryan Kelly 2nd motion passed.

MINUTES TO THE NOVEMBER 13, 2019 REGULAR MEETING:  Page 2 third sentence, change the word or to for.  Page 3 under Leezer Insurance-City Insurance, 4th sentence, ad the words and Flood after the word Earthquake.

CASH RECEIPT REPORT:  Total Cash Receipts for November 2019 is $61,965.35.  Rob Finney made a motion to accept the Cash Receipt Report for November 2019.  Connie Jacobson 2nd motion passed.

TREASURER REPORT:  Treasurer Report for November 2019 is $1,262,517.83.  Rob Finney made a motion to accept the Treasurer Report for November 2019.  Ryan Kelly 2nd motion passed.

REPORTS FROM CITY EMPLOYEES/COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN:  Barbara Cantwell reported she will be gone Friday the 13th to go to a payroll class in Joliet.


APPROVAL OF SUBMITTED CLAIMS:  Rob Finney reported there needs to be a claim added from Air Gas USA. Renewal of 1-year lease, 01-41-512 for $130.00.  Rob Finney made a motion to approve the submitted claims as amended. Art Nutzhorn 2nd motion passed.  

ATTORNEY REPORT:  Mr. Evans reported he has an appeal in for the tuition money that is supposed to be refunded to the police.  Still working on the codification, hopefully, will have something to circulate soon.

MEDIACOM ORDINANCE:  Mr. Evan is following up with Mediacom, will be finishing this off soon.  Tabled till next month.

SUBDIVISION:  Checked into how much the lots were sold for, to the Stark County Fitness.  The first two lots were sold for $500 each, the next 2 lots were sold for $1,000 each.  The council was thinking about selling lots 7, 8, 9 to the Deans. Council agreed to have the mayor talk to the Dean’s and see if they are willing to pay farmland price before we do any surveying.   Jason Musselman made a motion to table the subdivision discussions. Rob Finney 2nd motion passed.

FARM LEASE:  Jason Musselman wanted to get the FSA map and see how much of the lots are being farmed.  Also changing the lease from a 3-year lease to a 1-year lease with the right to take back some acreage at any time.  The City will have to repay the renter any expenses that were spent on the land. Tabled till next month.

MID CENTURY:  Aaron Buck was present from Mid Century Fiber.  Mid Century would like to bring fiber-optic internet into the City.  It will bring faster speeds, more reliability and better price. There needs to be at least 40 percent of the neighborhood to show interest.  Mid Century will need a franchise agreement with the city. Mid Century will have to buy a small piece of property to put a small box for the electronics for the city.


Jason Musselman made a motion to remove Donna Lefler as a temporary acting mayor and reinstate Mayor Larry Hollis.  Rob Finney 2nd motion passed.

2019 TAX LEVY:  Rob Finney made a motion to pass ordinance# 906 City of Toulon Annual Tax Levy.  Donna Lefler 2nd motion passed.

METER FOR TRAILER COURT:    The City has only been charging one single minimum water bill for the entire trailer court plus each trailer gets charged $17.30 for garbage.  Starting in April 2020 the City is going to charge a minimum to each trailer for water. Jason Musselman made a motion to implement a minimum meter charge of $43.10 for water on each trailer in renters name beginning April 2020.  Rob Finney 2nd motion passed.


BEREAVEMENT:  The City currently does not have an HR Policy that addresses Bereavement.  The State of Illinois is mandatory 3 days for children.

CHRISTMAS BONUS:  Jason Musselman made a motion to give all full-time employees Barbara Cantwell, Rob Kamerer, Jake Streitmatter, Josh Allen, Gary Bent $200.00.  Part-time employees Teresa Macy, Ron Jackson, Al Gloyd $100.00 each and gave $500.00 to Gary Bent to distribute to his part-time officers. Donna Lefler 2nd motion passed.  

BARS-NEW YEAR EVE’S HOURS:  Last call 1:00 a.m. out by 1:30 a.m.

CHLORINE GAS DETECTOR AT WATER PLANT:  Rob Kamerer reported this is an alarm for the storage room where the chlorine cylinders are kept.  These would be placed outside and inside the building. There would be an alarm and a light. Council would like another quote saying installation is included in the price.


TIF:  Rob Finney made a motion to pay FY2020-7 to BEA for $3,152.47 and to the Civil Contractors for the East Main sidewalk for $63,065.79, but not to write the check to Civil Contractors as of yet.  Jason Musselman 2nd motion passed.


Ryan Kelly made a motion to go to Executive Session for personnel hours.  Jason Musselman 2nd motion passed.


Rob Finney made a motion to go back into Regular Session.  Ryan 2nd motion passed.

Mayor reported no action taken.


Connie Jacobson made a motion to adjourn.  Donna Lefler 2nd motion passed.
